work stack

英 [wɜːk stæk] 美 [wɜːrk stæk]

网络  工作堆叠



  1. Often, as work items such as requirements come off the stack for implementation in the current iteration, an equal or greater number of work items are added back to the stack.
  2. Consumption: Additionally, the whole purpose of previous work is to have some actors ( including machines) to use it; thus information consumption sits on the top of the stack.
  3. The output from a tool of this type will probably work well with the web service stack supplying the tool, but it may not be in best-practices form or even completely correct.
  4. If you need to do some quality assurance work on some data or screen a stack of job applications, you need uninterrupted silence, and in some workplaces, the only places to get that are conference rooms.
  5. We have no need to work, the central bank to print money, each holding a large stack carried home is, what I do in this lecture?
  6. These auras are designed to be able to work by themselves instead of relying on other spells effect's to stack with them.
  7. Late Sunday nights, after a full weekend of work around the house, mom and dad would sit at the dining-room table with worried looks on their faces, a stack of yellow bills and a black-checkbook in front of them.
  8. Necessity to consider anticorrosion capacity of a stack for a WFGD system is explained., and the characteristics and corrosivity of wet flue gas and work environment of the stack are introduced.
  9. URI based approaches are guaranteed to work across the stack.
  10. His work doesn't stack up with yours.
  11. But there was another hour's work before the layer of live rats at the base of the stack would be reached;
  12. When I return to work after the holiday I hunt through a stack of old newspapers and sit down to reread the story.
  13. Probe into the Management Work of Open-shelves Stack Room of the Library
  14. Application of Modern Scientifico-Technology in Anti-Mildew Work in Stack Room of Library
  15. A model of module is made possible that supervises and analyzes network packets which work between transport layer and network layer. We have inserted an overanxious layer in the existing protocol stack.
  16. The work involved in this design includes realizing the TCP/ IP stack in C-code, designing and debugging the hardware system, designing and debugging the receiving program runs in PC.
  17. The related research work were mainly focused on the implementing methods for the key modules of the software prototype, including: slice image stack fast reconstruction, high accuracy image edge detection, inspection model and CAD model alignment, wall thickness inspection and casting defects extraction etc.
  18. Aiming at solving the practical problems existing in the library work of reader service, the article presents a series of countermeasures to improve the quality of reader service and utilize open book stack resources better.
  19. The work of underlying protocol stack is divided into 10 tasks, to which priorities are assigned. A new task management and dispatch mechanism for underlying protocol stack is developed.
  20. Two SIM cards can not be switched dynamically during general state of the work for the impact of protocol stack.
  21. Thus it provides a program for wireless HART time synchronization in complex industrial field. Overall, this research work establishes a good foundation for the next wireless HART protocol stack development.
  22. After reading a tag remove the top element from the stack as a new query code to work, and so on, until the stack is empty, all the labels well read.
  23. In terms of seismic data denoising, predecessors have done a lot of work, especially many mature methods about after stack data denoising.
  24. The core work include the implementation of SIP protocol stack, voice coding and decoding, embedded Linux porting and the SIP UA developing based on SIP protocol stack specification.
  25. Based on the work mentioned above, a prototype system that can detch stack buffer overflow of COM is realised.
  26. QP-nano is designed to work with just a "bare metal" target board, but can also be combined with the very lightweight Quantum Kernel Nano ( QK-nano) to provide preemptive multitasking capabilities ( requires more stack space).